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000177_misckit-reques…aska.et.byu.edu_Thu Apr 7 21:51:38 1994.msg
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Received: from alaska.et.byu.edu by darth.byu.edu (NX5.67d/NX3.0M)
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Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 21:48:57 -0600
From: Don Yacktman <don@darth.byu.edu>
Message-Id: <9404080348.AA01296@darth.byu.edu>
Received: by NeXT.Mailer (1.100)
Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.100)
To: misckit@alaska.et.byu.edu
Subject: Call to arms (was: Re: Objectware catalog)
Reply-To: don@darth.byu.edu
Well, there's been a lot of response on this. I get the feeling that
we all agree that the MiscKit _ought_ to be mentioned in the
catalog. Well, it would certainly be a grave omission if it weren't
in there. I also feel that other freeware and shareware stuff ought
to be mentioned, but looking at the submission announcements,
I guess NeXT feels that they should be shoved under the rug...
Anyway, I have someone who has offered to look into getting
the MiscKit into the catalog (perhaps as part of a page that
lists all freeware/shareware objects but without full descriptions
and only a point of contact for more info). He has made the
following suggestion:
> In fact, if you get a list of RDs who are on the list and are willing
> to say that they support the entry, i'm sure that can only help.
So, if you are a registered developer, and you wish to see an
entry for the MiscKit in the catalog, send me mail at
don@darth.byu.edu that says this much. I don't know if NeXT
would want a RD number to go with that or not; I'm reluctant to
ask for that information because it's none of my business, but it
might not hurt to give them that, too.
I'll compile a complete summary of all responses that we can present
to NeXT and then we'll see if we can't get some adjustments made.
If you are not a registered developer, but still support putting the
MiscKit in the catalog, let me know, too. I'll compile those messages
in another file, so that NeXT can get a feel for the amount of support
that exists. Even if only a tenth of you respond, NeXT ought to be
somewhat overwhelmed with the support we have. If you _all_
respond, we just might get that entry in there!
So, any responses you want me to pass on to NeXT on this should
be marked as such. (A Re: Objectware catalog subject line is good
enough.) Be sure you state in your message whether or not you are
a registered developer. And also give reasons/arguments as to why
the MiscKit ought to be in the Objectware catalog. If there are a lot
of well-reasoned messages on this, they'll eventually get the idea.
And I know that there are a pile of NeXT folks on this list, too. If there
is anything you can do, I'm sure everyone else will appreciate that, too.
I have already filled out the "submission" form that Darren Smith posted
so if we can get the entry in, I have the entry prepared already.
Also, even though we have the backing of at least two RD's that I know
of, we can't submit it using their RD number because the MiscKit cannot
be associated with any company--that's not its nature and I don't want
it misrepresented. (In other words, it would be an utter nightmare if all
the contact info point at XYZ Design, Inc. instead of me and the ftp sites...)
If they had given us more than a week to make submissions I might have
tried forming a "MiscKit, Inc." to be an official registered developer. Since
the MiscKit is shipping, the fee would be waived. In fact, given this whole
mess, I might just still do that, if I can find a way that won't hurt the kit itself.
(It would probably be treated as a non-profit organization, and would be
set up to distribute the kit on floppies to folks that don't have net connections,
doing so at the cost of the floppies and postage. Might be a good thing.)
However, there's no time now for that solution and I'd have to work out details
and get approval from current kit authors before I could feel comfortable
doing anything at all like that.
-Don Yacktman